Articles in this category Is the price of the Fibre line included in the price? Yes - the price you see, is the price you pay. All our Fibre services are in combos, so the price is for both your Data and the Line rental. Will I have to pay a setup fee? Sign up for Uncapped Fibre with Axxess today and you can get Free Installation, Connection, and a Fibre Ready WiFi Router - all valued up to R5000. *Selected Providers only. T's & C's apply. How long will it take to get connected? This will depend on the turnaround for your installation and activation. Once the line has been installed in your premises it can take up to 5 days for the provider to activate your line. As soon as y... Can I use my current DSL router for Fibre? Unfortunately not, as Fibre works very differently to DSL. However, you may, in some cases, be able to use your existing WiFi enabled router to spread your Fibre connection via WiFi. This will depend ... How is Fibre different from DSL? DSL is dependent on Telkom copper wire infrastructure, which is often unreliable and can be slow if you have a bad line or are far away from your local exchange, whereas Fibre transmits data with puls... Can I upgrade, downgrade or cancel at any time? Absolutely! We allow upgrades and downgrades of Fibre speeds up until 5pm on the last day of the month. Keeping in mind, Fibre speed upgrades are solely dependent on the provider.To cancel, we need ju... Do you want Fibre Internet, but still need a landline number? We've got a solution for you. Axxess VoIP is a cloud-hosted service, which means you can take your number anywhere in the world. If you have Fibre, then you can cancel your Telkom landline rental and ... Do I still need to pay for my landline number from Telkom? No. Traditional landlines require customers to pay a monthly service charge for a landline. You can now save that money, if you cancel your Telkom line rental and switch to Axxess VoIP.Axxess VoIP is ... How do I port my Telkom voice landline to Axxess Voice? You'll need to supply us with a copy of your Telkom telephone bill (please note that your account needs to be settled, or Telkom will not release your number) and an authorisation letter which will be... Can I get a static IP address with Fibre? You can only get a static IP address with Openserve Fibre. All residential lines get a dynamic IP address in order to support the ever-growing network.